2017-2018 DCBA CLE Opportunities – Scott Bodkin

By: Scott Bodkin of Bodkin, Niehaus & Dickson, PLLC  bndlegal.com


The Denton County Bar Association is growing and our practice area oriented sections are growing as well. The 2017-2018 bar year can include a diverse array of CLE opportunities, but we need your help for this year to reach its potential.

Each Section will be compiling its own mailing list, in order to target messaging from the bar. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in the transition.


Upcoming DCBA CLEs:

The 2017 DCBA Probate Seminar will be December 1st! Save the date. Folks interested in volunteering should email scott@bndlegal.com and executivedirector@dentonbar.com


Section Meetings:

The Family Law Section kicked off the year with a courtroom technology based CLE.

Judge Bonnie Robison will be presenting a legislative update to the REPTL Section on September 20th. We’re waiting to confirm venue at the moment because construction has made the old venue much less convenient.

The Business Law Section will be meeting the second Friday in October. Jack Balderson and Scott Bodkin will be presenting “Arbitration: Tips,Traps and (Dirty?) Tricks”. In November Danny Boon will be presenting on Asset Protection.


Video Replays of State Bar CLE Courses:

REPTL and the DCBA are shooting for a replay of the Advanced Estate Planning and Probate Drafting Course in January 2018. We’ll try for another movie theater, depending on turnout. Email scott@bndlegal.com.

Tiffany Sanford, with an assist from REPTL and the Denton County Bar Association, would like to organize a replay of one or more of the advanced real estate law courses. Options include Advanced Real Estate Drafting, Advanced Real Estate Law, and Advanced Real Estate Strategies. Ruth Brock started this program a several years ago, but her new (and nice!) office doesn’t have the A/V setup, so we’ll be looking for a venue. Please email Tiffany Sanford at tsanford@koonsrealestatelaw.com.

The Family Law Section is exploring a movie theater replay of either the Advanced Family Law Drafting course (for folks who don’t want to fight their way down to Fort Worth) or the New Frontiers in Marital Property Course. Input is welcome! Please send thoughts and comments to Amanda Dickson at amanda@bndlegal.com.